
The Twelve Days of Christmas

Created by Todd Lockwood

A Holiday Fantasy

Latest Updates from Our Project:

5 months ago – Wed, Apr 17, 2024 at 04:38:50 PM

Tonight I will be giving a sneak preview of The Twelve Days of Christmas on my friend Stan Brown's podcast, "50 Years in the Dungeon." Stan is known to his friends as Stan! (with the exclamation point). He's funny and smart, and he's willing to let me hijack part of his show to promote the Kickstarter.

Watch the show on YouTube:

5 months ago – Mon, Apr 15, 2024 at 07:22:22 PM

So, so close! We are just 12% away from reaching our goal! The anticipation kills me, but your faith and support bring me back every time. Thank you all so much. We couldn't do this without you.

Just a note, because the question has come up, for those who added the autographed prints to their rewards, the add-on doesn't list a specific image because you will be able to pick your image from all of those in the book. Which also means if you were holding off because you didn't know what you were going to get, the answer is, whichever one you want!

Everyone have a great night, and I'll see you later!



Good Morning!
5 months ago – Mon, Apr 15, 2024 at 05:21:14 AM

Well, we are closing in on that initial goal but we still have a little ways to go to get there. I'm confident we will, but I would be very disappointed if that is all we do. Frankly, for myself, I really want to unlock that autographed by Santa add-on!

Want to help make that happen? Tell your friends about this campaign so we can bring more people on board. Link for your convenience:

Already did that? Take another look at the add-ons to see if any of those goodies are missing from your shelf. Already did that too? Then thank you so very much for doing everything you can to help us to get to our goal!

Now, for a special treat to thank everyone for their support... a "walk-through" of the book has been added to the campaign page since KS won't let me include it in this update!

Well, phooey... KS won't let me do that either! Sorry... but here is a link to the video I wanted to post on social media

Everyone have a great day!


5 months ago – Fri, Apr 12, 2024 at 02:27:55 PM

We are getting close to the funding goal, but I really hope to go well beyond that and unlock some great add-ons. I'm particularly happy about Santa agreeing to sign copies, but those Greeting cards would be sweet too. Please share the campaign where you can, and add this URL link in comments when you do:

The printers in China promised to make mock-ups of the book and slipcase for me, and to send photos asap—but they haven't arrived. So I made my own. Here they are!

Thanks so much for jumping on this speeding vehicle! 

My best,
